CommonUIVideoPlayer UE5.4
This plugin exposes to blueprint UE CommonUI CommonVideoPlayer features/functions except reverse() function. And makes it easy to play mp4 video files out of the box with some limitations* for the moment. Among useful functions is GetMediaPlayer(), which gives you the advantages of all its nice sub-functions.
PLAY THE DEMORECOMMENDED: Based on many tests, using it with 2K (1080pi) video quality or low is best for a good experience.
Features: Exposed functions
- SetVideo()
- Seek()
- Close()
- SetPlayerbackRate()
- SetLooping()
- SetIsMuted()
- Play()
- Pause()
- PlayFromStart()
- GetVideoDuration()
- GetPlaybackTime()
- GetPlaybackRate()
- GetMediaPlayer()
- IsLooping()
- IsPaused()
- IsPlaying()
- IsMuted()
Code Modules:
- CommonVideoPlayerExposed (Runtime)
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Documentation: HowToUse
Important/Additional Notes:
*LIMITATION 1: 4K videos are not supported yet when testing.
*LIMITATION 2: The video audio is only supported on a standalone project not in the editor or PIE yet when testing.
RECOMMENDED: Based on many tests, using it with 2K (1080pi) video quality or low is best for a good experience.
QUESTION OR BUG FOUND ?: Please write me here
This project is a 1 week HARD WORK and I set it free :), If you like it, please consider supporting me :) =>
BUY ME A Ko-fi 😊And Thank You so much for your gratitude and supporting my work in advance. Really appreciated 😊.
You will get a sample project containing the plugin for UE5.4 along with documentation. The sample project contains a functional VideoPlayer widget showing some features of CommonVideoPlayer as shown in the demonstration video. UE5.1, 5.2, 5.3 versions will be added later.